85 Harriot Avenue
Harrington Park, NJ 07640
Harrington Park is governed by a Mayor and six (6) Council members elected for terms of four and three years, respectively.
All serve without pay or expenses.
The Mayor and Council generally meets the second and third Monday each month and are posted on the calendar.
All meetings are open to the public in compliance with New Jersey’s Sunshine Law.
During Council meetings citizens are given the opportunity to address the Mayor and Council on proposed ordinances or any other issues of concern.
Planning Board, Board of Adjusment, Building, Fire and Ambulance
Chair, Napolitano, Evanella, Blackinton
Police, Court, Personnel Handbook
Chair, Evanella, Blackinton, Napolitano
DPW, Build & Grounds, Sanitation/Recycle
Chair, Walker, Pedersen, Chung
Board of Health, Environmental Commission
Chair Blackinton, Napolitano, Evanella
Finance, Admin. & Exec., Grants
Chair, Pedersen, Chung, Walker
Recreation, Liaison BOE, Public Info (website, social media, newsletter)
Chair, Chung, Walker, Pedersen
If you have any trouble with accessing information contained within this website, please contact the Borough Clerk’s Office at 201-768-1700 or email to clerk@harringtonparknj.gov.